Reflections Publishing offers in-person and online Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) training to get your school district off to a successful start. By implementing The Resilience Game Plan: The Playbook for Developing Cognitive, Communication, and Mindfulness Skills Training (The RGP) in your schools, you are providing your students the opportunity to:
- Obtain their best short- and long-term academic, mental, and physical health outcomes.
- Learn social and emotional self-regulation intervention life skills to instill resiliency and a barrier of protection for student's brains as they encounter difficulties throughout their lifetime.
During training, we will walk you through:
- The RGP Facilitator’s Guide to help you develop common language and standard-operating procedures so your educators feel adequately equipped to assess and identify students who may be struggling with mental health disorders.
- The RGP playbook “How to Use The RGP” section.
- The intervention tips and tools in The RGP playbook which create a supportive learning space for students to process their anxiety, emotions, and stress. The goal is for these techniques to become automatic habits.
- Learning cognitive behavior skills, communication activities, mindfulness meditation methods, self-reflection exercises, coloring and journaling pages, role-playing scripts, and more.
- How teens will benefit from the coaching methods in The RGP playbook of repeatedly practicing and addressing any knowledge gaps–while gaining confidence and motivation in learning and applying new skills in a safe environment.
For district pricing, text or email Colleen Ster at: